It’s widely known that most car accidents are settled without the interference of an attorney; however, it is also well known that having legal representation can greatly improve the outcome of personal injury claims. Seeking legal representation empowers claimants to enforce their rights under the law.
Following an accident, the vehicle damage or injuries may not be obvious. Many times clients sustain long-term or permanent injuries but do not feel pain until days following the incident. A personal injury attorney can help you seek medical treatment along with compensation for your pain and suffering.
Determining who is at fault in an accident is sometimes complicated leading to an investigation by insurance companies. A car accident attorney can appropriately present evidence to prove liability.
Many times insurance companies will ask to obtain a statement under oath. They will often ask questions that may cause you to recklessly admit some form liability. Having an attorney present during questioning is an assertion of your rights.
At the Ward Law Group, we have the experience to get you just compensation. Insurance adjusters notoriously offer low settlement amounts and may take advantage of those that do not know what is a reasonable settlement.
Overall, having an attorney will prevent any possible mistakes on your part. It is always wise to consult with an attorney before proceeding with any negotiations. We at the Ward Law Group provide free consultations for any car accident in the state of Florida. Call us at any time at (855) 365- 6755.
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